A clear indicator of a clear and user-friendly website is often the typography on it. Confused? Imagine that time you opened up a website but then were welcomed with a graphic font which was illegible at the most. You immediately closed the tab from the browser, right? That is precisely why when you are going for professional website design, you would have to keep in mind the type of font to add to it. This blog would highlight the importance of the typography and the kinds that would suit your website the most.
Importance of the Correct Font
The type of font you use is a representation of your beliefs in the business. When you are searching for a website that is giving you entertainment-based information, the usage of funky fonts is common. Similarly, when you are looking for something more professional, you would be more interested in going for a font that exudes the image.
The font that you choose will help the visitors make their first impression on the business as it creates a mood for the entire business altogether. Or else, you might end up with a higher bounce rate for the website. That is why when you are contacting a professional for your business website design; you have to be very careful while choosing the font.

Common Font Pairings That Look Good on the Website
There are several fonts available to be incorporated in your website and choosing the perfect one that represents your business the best is a job both you and the designer have to do together. The top choices you have in this regards are:
Source Sans Pro and Playfair Display
Also one of the most common font pairings of the year 2019, this has a more traditional style with a modern touch to it. Perfect for those who want to stand out from the crowd but not so much, this will give your website a professional and unique vibe to it.
Oswald and Merriweather
While the latter is a very versatile font that can be adjusted both height and width wise, the former has simple and clean lines to complement it. You can highlight the serif of the Merriweather to match the sans-serif Oswald, making it an excellent option for those who have a website for travel.
Josefin Sans and Dancing Script
This has to be the most popular pairing from the entire list. Imagine a website that has a touch of the Dancing Script’s movement and intrigue along with the Josefin Sans, sans-serif uniqueness. The combination brings together the two extremely different fonts into one by making it ideal for those who like to write headlines and mention a short sentence underneath it. You can incorporate the same into headers or CTAs for the best effect on your visitors.
Open Sans and Fascinate
Those with a food or organic farming related website can easily go for this particular font combination. Based on what the designing world knows as the Art Deco era, the balance between the thin Open Sans and the bold but funky Fascinate can bring together a creative interest in your brand at the first sight. Use them as the headline for your website and to highlight sections, making them stand out to the visitors.
Roboto and Abril Fatface
Unlike what it sounds, no. As a website design company would tell you, Abril fatface is not just another fat and bold font. There is a subtle mix of serif and boldness in this paring that can take your writing to another level. The merger of both the Roboto and the Abril Fatface gives your brand an entertaining but trustworthy business which every visitor is sure to light. The striking and light combination works wonders for those who would want to keep things professional and yet leave a strong vibe with the visitors.
Conclusion: Choosing the perfect font combination might be extremely challenging, especially if you are new to the world of designing but still want your business to stand out. Hiring professionals who offer web design services can come of help in these situations. Based in Kolkata, Logo Design India is a company that has been in the field for a long time. Should you want to know more, send an email to enquiry@logo-design-india.com.