It is quite a task to pull off the design of a website that not only attracts clients to it but also speaks of everything there is to know about a specific company. The perfect website design, according to experts, is all about combining the aesthetic beauty and bringing in a punch of the message that you want to put across. A designer would follow an anatomy while they are working on professional website design in India. This blog states what are the components found in such an anatomy.
Things That Go Into Designing a Web Layout
Now that we are on the anatomy of designing a website, let’s talk about the three-step process that goes into it.
Step 1 : speaks about the entire thought and research that every designer goes through before commencing the design process.
This also focuses on the expectations of the prospective clients and what they might want from a business such as yours. This would allow the designers to provide for an excellent user experience through what they design for you. The UI/UX is very crucial when it comes to driving traffic to the website.
This would include the IA or Information Architecture which involves the organization of the website in an intuitive, sensitive, and lucid way. The first thing that designers keep in mind is their reactions and requirements when they might be surfing the webpage.
A good IA would result in a hierarchy where the most significant segments would be highlighted for better user engagement. The ideal business website design in India also has a simple navigation menu. The menu is designed simplistically with consistency and clarity.

Step 2 : is all about what the website has to offer, visually.
There are two types of designs - one, which just looks excellent, and the other which prompts the users to act. It is to note that a user leans more towards what visually attracts them rather than reading what you ask him or her to do. Once you opt for a custom web design in India, you will see that the professionals would be able to design a page which will automatically explain what you want the users to understand.
This involves the use of a grid to build connections between the various elements of a page and bring a sense of order. The grid also helps keep the components with each other so that the website has a clear structure, and all the information is passed on to the users. The designer also uses the rule of thirds.
The natural scanning patterns of a human mind are F-shaped and Z-shaped. A professional web designer keeps this in mind and builds a design that forms either of these two patterns. The F-shaped pattern is used for the text-heavy websites, whereas the Z-shaped pattern refers to the sites with minimum copy and rare elements.
When we talk about this, we also think about prioritizing the key elements. The five building blocks for a visual hierarchy are the size, colour, layout, spacing, and style. These are unique to each webpage and experts would custom-make them suiting your business views.
Step 3 : discusses the value of the call-to-action buttons.
No one can stress enough when it comes to what the functionality of a CTA is. Nonetheless, a CTA button should never be “on-the-face.” As a fundamental element to the web design, the CTA button should be very subtly placed to improve the website’s design flow rather than disturbing it with a deliberate placement.
To enhance the whole concept of adding a call-to-action, designers see to it that the button looks clickable. The last thing you or any designer would want is placing a CTA button at the correct place but get no results out of it. Accurately labelling all your buttons are crucial as well. The users, in this way, would be able to know exactly where to click if they want to visit a specific section of the website.
Conclusion: Now that you are aware of the anatomy that a website design company in India follows when they design a layout, it is time to choose the most competent company for the job. Logo Design India has more than a decade of experience in the field. The professionals are skilled and particularly trained to handle all genres of clients (businesses). Should you want to know more about the services provided by Logo Design India, or speak to one of the experts in web designing, get in touch by dialling +91 33 40200868.