Irrespective of how good your products or services, your brand identity remains a valuable asset of your entire business. If you want that your company maintains a constant growth and build strong customer loyalty, you certainly need to establish a strong brand identity.
For a business to be successful, planning the right design and branding process is important. The design not only has to be aesthetically pleasing visuals, but an effective strategy has to be considered for its success. Here are 7 key elements to build a strong corporate identity design for branding.
A brand logo helps in creating immediate brand recognition and helping to give a face to the company. This helps the consumer in recognizing a brand easily. The key to designing an effective logo is to create one that captures the personality of the corporate identity in all marketing platforms. No doubt, an effective logo design is not a simple process.

Typography is an important consideration for brand design. It is important that the right fonts for your brand are used. The selected fonts will appear on the website, corporate stationery, and other marketing platforms.
Chose Fonts that Works
When selecting, make sure that the chosen fonts arouse a certain emotion in the reader’s mind. The fonts have to be strategically implemented across different marketing materials for a cohesive brand image and promoting brand association. Brand management remains the key to maintaining your typography.
Brand Colors
There is a natural link between colour and branding because colour puts across a specific message without words. Studies have shown that colours are responsible for about 90% of instant purchase decisions.
To create your company’s visual identity, the choice of color needs to be considered carefully. Make sure that the chosen colors scheme makes a bold statement about your organization. It is important that the selected colors communicate your business message, personality and philosophy correctly.
Brand Perception
Brand perception refers to how the consumer views your business. Your brand not only speaks about your company but also communicate your company’s message. For a brand to be successful, it is important that the customers find your business as the only solution to a specific problem. You need to consider the brand’s objective so that it reflects the personality and characteristics of the business as well as the philosophy and message of the organization. A clear understanding of the brand and what makes it different in the industry help to create a brand that leverages all aspects of the business. By having a powerful and streamlined brand, it becomes easy for you to build the credibility of a business.
It is important that the services and products of a company should reflect all aspects of the organization, including its marketing. Hence, the various marketing materials should be of the highest standards possible while keeping things within budget. This calls for smart branding. This you can achieve by working with professional graphic designers and digital agency that can guide you through the process successfully. These professionals help in keeping all aspects of marketing within your budget while keeping your brand value intact.
Community & Branding
The role of community in branding is often neglected by businesses. How to go about building a powerful community of interested consumers? Hire the services of company promoters. The process is also known as guerrilla marketing in which efforts are made to build trust and motivate loyalty in consumers around the business. These consumers will come to great help in influencing your brand.
People do business with familiar companies. Hence, keeping a brand uniformity across the various marketing materials helps your brand easily recognizable. People feel at ease to purchase when they find your product or services. It should be noted that your brand is your promise. So it makes sense to see that your promise is consistent.
With many years of experience in brand building, Logo Design India can help you shape your ideas and come up with the perfect corporate identity design that truly reflects the personality of your company.